I am a subscriber and would like to try out limited editions.
However I don't do so, because it is too costly and annoying.
There is the option to add a one time item, however my total consumption does not change, so I would like to replace one of the regular bags with a limited edition. However then I would lose one rebate per limited edition I try and have to remember to set it back after that shipment.
If there was an option to just add every limited edition that comes out once instead of a regular bag, I would take it. Would be quite a pleasant surpise to find new flavors to try out in my regular shipment. This would make it a bit more exciting.
Probably difficult to implement though and unclear how to charge for this extra service. It'd be nice if Queal could offer it for free. The benefit for queal would be a predictable number of buyers for new limited editions and a better customer experience (brand loyalty effects?). Probably wouldn't get me to buy more, but would make me actively think of the slush ,with which I sustain my existance, actively more often, which might result in me recommending it more often, or letting friends taste the new flavors.