Hey all,
Some time ago, I've had some calls with a couple of you guys to ask about your experiences when it comes to talking about Queal. We really appreciate our customer's opinions and figured we would like to support your willingness to share about Queal to the max.
Thanks to your openness, ideas and suggestion, we've been able to gather some nice insights on how to. We've put together the ideas of a sample bag and a simple card with some key information about Complete Foods and came to the Queal Ambassador Package.
What is the Ambassador Package?
During the calls, I've noticed that - although sending on your referral code is easy - there was missing an easy way to let the other person taste & experience Queal first. That's why we came up with the Queal Ambassador Package. Something you can add to your order* for free, which contains:
- An extra shaker
- An explanation card: what makes a meal complete?
- A sample bag that fits one (regular) STEADY meal, which you can fill yourself.
Next to informing you about this package, I'd like to dedicate this thread to your experiences with it.
So, if you've ordered it and gave away the package to someone: let us know!
Did it work out the way you wanted/expected?
Do you have any questions, suggestions or points of improvement?
We would love to hear from you! Happy giving 
*you will have the possibility to add an Ambassador Package from your 2nd order. It will appear on the order confirmation page after you've placed your (new) order.
p.s. for subscription holders: if you want to receive an Ambassador Package with your next renewal, please send me an e-mail on jiska@queal.com including your name and the e-mail address you order with!