Hi @Lnnnnnnn
Great ideas!
And I would love to hear from others what their ideas are.
It's something that is interesting but not for us at the moment. All our products are based on the EFSA (FDA equivalent in the EU) recommendations, and 0% carbs is far away from that. I do understand that there is a need for these types of products and we will always keep it in the back of our minds.
Do you mean the one with the small lid but a big thread in the lid? If not, could you share a picture of the shaker. And with regards to the powder, yes that is what we do too and recommend (unfortunately there isn't really a way around this, besides shaking upside down if you accidentally forgot the water at the start)
Cool idea for the solvable pill! I think it's partly because your Flow may be older. I've been drinking our new flavour (Mango Kiwi) and in a normal Queal shaker it dissolves very quickly.
And thank you for the other ideas!