I am new to the forum, however, i've been a loyal client for the past 2 years or so ( my first order was at 2015-09-14) .
I recently ordered 30 bags of Queal and the new BOOST product and received a Shirt which looks so sweet! .
Now the point about this post is to talk about the pricing from the new product, BOOST. My personal thoughts is that 50-60 € is quite high price, i know it might include I+D, however, i don't know if it breaks the philosophy from the company which is to offer a great product such as a very healthy meal at a cheap price.
I am a Gamer, and i really would like include the product into my permanent diet, but for a significant cheaper price i could get a similar result, how is so ?, well a good quality Tea or Coffe would be enough to do so, i would feel awake and receive about the same results.
So my question is.. The price from boost is going to stay the same ?. i could consider the product maybe from 25-30€.