Just came back from holiday and finally could try out the two flavors.
I first had some Bacon, as I love the real thing (but again, who doesn't?
), and was really excited to try something salty with meaty accents. I must say I was disappointed.
The taste was virtually transparent to me, it felt really bland, and to be completely honest I couldn't even sense the difference between Bacon and Strawberry (another flavour I previously found culprit of blandness). Same goes for texture/color: it looked exactly the same as Strawberry.
I'll finish the pouch and report back if my opinion changes but it's a 3/10 for now (skewed due to disappointment).
I then had some Tomato, expecting absolutely nothing because I don't like the real thing. Well, I wasn't let down!
The taste was okay and extremely similar to powdered Tomato soup. Since it felt 'okay' to me just like powdered soup does, and I usually dislike tomato, I guess tomato aficionados were not disappointed. The texture was a nice surprise: shaking it up revealed herbs in the mixture, which I didn't expect at all and actualy found very nice.
I'd give it a solid 6/10 solely because of how it nailed the "tomato soup" flavor and texture. If I didn't dislike Tomato that much, I'd have given it a better score.
Do note that, overall, I have shit taste: I have tried all the Queal flavours, and the only ones I really enjoy and can eat on a regular basis are Chocolate, Chocolate Hazelnut, and Chocolate Peanut (RIP). All the others have been "meh" to me.
Summing it 'up:
- Was really excited for Bacon, but it's too damn bland! Wouldn't buy.
- Was not so hot for Tomato, but it was okay and very much felt like powdered tomato soup. Loved the small touch with herbs. Wouldn't buy because I dislike tomato, but would probably buy if I liked tomato soup.
I am still really interested in new flavors (not only salty ones). If Bacon was reworked, I would try it again. I don't know if that's even feasible but I'd definitely want to try other crazy stuff like Beef Jerky Queal, Spicy Rum Queal, or Roquefort Queal.
Disclosure: I was sent one pouch of each flavor for free by Queal for review and feedback. I have no personal or financial interest in the company or in anyone employed there (I mean, other than the fact that I want them to do well so that I can continue eating Chocolate and Chocolate Hazelnut).